The calm at the center of a pearl

June 27, 2007

Food blogs and recipes, oh my.

Filed under: Journaling, Reviews — kyraninse @ 1:22 pm

I read recipes.

In fact, I only stumbled upon food blogs because I like to read recipes.

The thing is, as my attention span wanes with age, quite contrary to normal developmental psychology as I learned it, I now like to read about people cooking quite more than I like to read recipes.

Especially those horrors with 10+ ingredients. I simply cannot enjoy them the way I used to.

Very unfair, granted.

Considering that I tend to toss anything every-which way into what I cook, which means that any recipe that comes from me will likely have a 20 item list easily.


I was reading over Chocolate and Zuchinni, the cookbook based on the foodblog, yesterday, and it was lovely; I just couldn’t settle down to read it properly.

I found myself wanting more personal stuff, more details of life, more –*gesticulates expansively*– more zest and verve and all that good stuff.

It IS a perfectly lovely book and much more well done than other cookbooks, but in some odd way, I do think I prefer the blog.

*thinks* Especially with regards to the pictures. I’ve become rather spoiled I think, and I like to have a full-center frontal picture of what should be going on, preferably with in-between pictures of the journey. I was slightly stymied by that when I was flipping through it.

Also, the thing about Clotilde’s blog is that more often that not, it’s 3/4 life-commentary and 1/4 recipe, which really suits me much more. The little quirks which seem to have been trimmed out of the book are also that much more endearing as in the recipe for Crème de Feta à la Tomate she says:

“- 2 fillets dry-salted anchovies packed in salt or olive oil, rinsed and patted dry if packed in salt (substitute capers if you hate anchovies)
– One handful fresh cilantro leaves (substitute flat-leaf parsely if you hate cilantro — god, you’re difficult)”

Perhaps I am difficult, *wistfully*, but there you are.

I will wholeheartedly recommend this cook for anyone who enjoys food blogs, however, and the recipes do seem delightful, if a tad too labor-intensive for my usual routine.

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  1. […] I had a post about Chocolate and Zucchini’s new […]

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